October: 24th-25th 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
Once again this year we gather at the FCForum in Barcelona, ready to analyse the advances of the past twelve months and consider the future outlook in the struggle for democracy in the digital era, free culture and net neutrality.
Since the emergence of Web 2.0, user-generated content has gone from being an interesting social experiment to the digital reality that we immerse ourselves in each day. Meanwhile, the content generated by former “big” media outlets makes up less than 5% of Internet traffic in societies such as Spain.
In this context, is there any point continuing to talk about “cultural creators”, a term formerly used in the copyright wars? Is there any point in framing the debate around protecting cultural creators as though they were a tiny elite rather than the overwhelming majority of society?. What cumulative changes is this paradigm shift bringing about?
More info: http://www.2013.fcforum.net/en